Today I delivered an 1890 platform basket spider lift to Monash university to for some property maintenance work in one of their courtyards. it was mostly to do some painting maintenance. Access was via a double door but then we immediately had to turn a corner and drive the spider lift down a hall way, around another corner on to a narrow path an out into the courtyard. the area was also on a hill but the 1890 was easily able to setup on the steep clop of the landscape.
Update The Painters using the machine said that the job was probably going to take 2 or three weeks but they only had it for one week. they were very happy with the machines performance and ability to reach so far with out having to move the lift. Programmed maintenance was the company doing the works.
Property maintenance is on of the main types of work that our spider lifts are used for, their ability to negotiate existing buildings. doorways, narrow paths, fragile floor surfaces, etc. Property maintenance is why they exist.
Call us today for your free onsite consultation. Property maintenance access is what we are best at.