With the spate of recent wet weather, it is advised that worksites hiring access equipment, need to show extra cautionl when using the equipment outside.

Heavy rain in various suburbs has left the ground softer than usual, causing the risk of subsidence to increase significantly.

Normal Scissor Lifts vs Spider Lift Equipment

With the combination of rain and then warmer weather, generally the upper layers of the soil dry out quickly.

This means any visual inspection of a site can be deceiving.

Although the top parts of the work site may be dry, just below the surface of the ground, it could potentially be very wet still and unstable thus being not suitable for heavy footprinted weight, when using conventional access equipment such as a hired scissor lift.

Spider lift equipment thrive in these conditions, can be safely used where most hired scissor lifts and other access equipment can’t.

Spider Lift – The Hire Access Equipment Solution

If you are planning on using hired access equipment, it is always important that you pay specific attention to the site work area where you intend on using the equipment.

Always be on the look out for signs of subsidence or softness. If there is any doubt, don’t risk the safety of employees.

The expert team at Spider Lift Hire are able to assist you in times like these. They will happily send someone to your site and advise you on what spider lift hire machine will be required be for your job and if the machine can operate safely in those conditions.

You will be surprised of the conditions a hired spider lift can operate under.

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